In The Kitchen

  • In The Kitchen: Mom’s Easter Bread


    Originally posted on Last year around this time my sister and I got together to do some Easter baking with the intention of writing up a post on our adventures for this site.  As with many of my intentions for this site, this post kept slipping through the cracks and just didn’t end up…

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  • In The Kitchen – Bacon Jam!


    Originally posted on This is my new favourite thing.  I heard the name mentioned a couple weeks ago and immediately wanted to make it, and it’s all I could have imagined it would be.  It is smoky and sweet and delicious!  You will eat everything with Bacon Jam on it from now on.  Here’s…

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  • Makin’ Bacon Part 2: The Cure


    Originally posted on Well things have been so busy in and out of the kitchen, I haven’t had a chance to sit down and write the follow up to Makin’ Bacon.  Now that I have some spare time and have peaked your interest with the Sci-fi smoker, here’s the follow up. I should have…

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  • In The Kitchen: French Onion Soup


    Originally posted on A couple nights ago I decided to try my hand at making French Onion Soup, a simple dish really, but I love it and have never had a chance to make it myself.  I had some leftover Veal Stock that FineDiner Eric had given me a while back, and I figured…

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  • Makin’ Bacon Part 1: DIY Cold Smoker


    Originally posted on After several days of research, planning and preparation, FineDiner Dave and I got together at my parents place this weekend to smoke some bacon.  This article is the first in our three-part Makin’ Bacon Series. Other articles in this series will explain the Curing process we used, as well as the…

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  • REWARD: Pan Seared Beef Tenderloin and Fingerling Potatoes


    Originally posted on So FineDiner Eric came over the other night and we butchered three Chickens and two whole Beef Tenderloins (which were on sale at Costco – instructional coming soon!).  As a reward for all our hard work, we fired up a chunk of the tenderloin and some fingerling potatoes and had ourselves…

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  • In The Kitchen – Fish in a Bag!


    Originally posted on This is my new favourite way to prepare fish!  FineDiner Eric turned me on to it – it’s so simple but yet so incredibly delicious, and it cuts down on the mess since you cook and eat it all in the parchment vessel.  I made this for the first time on…

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  • Midnight Snack – Oysters Rockefeller


    Originally posted on by Eric Rochon So it’s quarter to twelve, my buddy Marc shows up with thirty or so east coast oysters. Actually from the Mallet Oyster company in New Brunswick, they were the St-Simon ones. One of his co-workers is from the east coast and has access to the supplier that ships…

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  • In The Kitchen – Wine Marinated Braised Beef Short Ribs


    Originally posted on Second Time’s a charm? So this is my second go-around with braised beef short ribs – I LOVE this dish.  Last time was great, but I couldn’t stop thinking about the ways I could improve on my first attempt, now that I had a bit of experience with braising and in…

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  • What do you do with day-after Risotto?


    Originally posted on In Italy there are only two legitimate uses for yesterday’s risotto:  Risotto al Salto (risotto pancakes) or Suppli di Telefono (Risotto Fritters).  I made some Mushroom Risotto last week, and surprisingly had a little leftover the next day, so I decided to try my hand at making the fritters.  Hit the…

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