
  • Ron Eade: Have we all lost our minds?


    Ron Eade’s weekly Supermarket Specials post has him ranting a bit, and I love him for it: No, the real harbinger of warm weather, I say, are grocery stores beating their chests about convenience foods for the barbecue that are both overpriced and salty. Really, how difficult is it to cut meat into cubes and…

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  • REWARD: Pan Seared Beef Tenderloin and Fingerling Potatoes


    Originally posted on So FineDiner Eric came over the other night and we butchered three Chickens and two whole Beef Tenderloins (which were on sale at Costco – instructional coming soon!).  As a reward for all our hard work, we fired up a chunk of the tenderloin and some fingerling potatoes and had ourselves…

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  • In The Kitchen – Wine Marinated Braised Beef Short Ribs


    Originally posted on Second Time’s a charm? So this is my second go-around with braised beef short ribs – I LOVE this dish.  Last time was great, but I couldn’t stop thinking about the ways I could improve on my first attempt, now that I had a bit of experience with braising and in…

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  • Butchery 101 – Strip Loin


    Originally posted on by Eric Rochon Busy night in the Kitchen – I was supposed to make Veal Stock.  When I was working for Biagio’s they used to dispose of the VEAL bones, so I took some home one night and froze them.  The freezer was full so I decided to make Veal stock…

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  • In The Kitchen – Braised Beef Short Ribs


    Originally posted on I’m not super-experienced in the kitchen, but I’m hoping that in starting this site it’ll help encourage me to get better and try new recipes and experiment in the kitchen and that I’ll learn a few things along the way.  So this weekend I tried out one of the recipes I…

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  • Recipe Box for January 15 2009


    The Recipe Box feature on features recently found recipes that have caught our eye from around the web.  Some we’ve tried, some we hope to try soon. Sausage and Mushroom Lasagna Crystallized Ginger – great as a garnish for a Gin-Gin Mule (or for non-gin-types, Spiced Ginger Mojito) Mini Frittattas with Ham and Cheese…

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