In The Kitchen – Braised Beef Short Ribs


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I’m not super-experienced in the kitchen, but I’m hoping that in starting this site it’ll help encourage me to get better and try new recipes and experiment in the kitchen and that I’ll learn a few things along the way.  So this weekend I tried out one of the recipes I linked to in my first Recipe Box post last week:  Braised Beef Short Ribs.  This was my first time braising, and I know it’s not like it’s a complicated method of cooking or anything, but I was really looking forward to trying it out – it just sounds delicious!

Braised Beef Short Ribs
Braised Beef Short Ribs

Making this dish wasn’t really time-consuming (excluding the cooking time), but it tastes like it was slaved over!  I served the ribs over Yukon Gold mashed, with some roasted carrots and small white potatoes (and a glass of Chianti of course!)  This was also the first time I’ve tried plating something I’ve cooked and tried to make it look good enough to photograph… clearly I need more work in that department, but hey – it tasted great!


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