• These parents are wrong


    Science, religion clash over Canadian sextuplets – The parents of sextuplets born in Vancouver are in a fight with the Provincial government over the government’s intervention when the parents refused blood transfusions for their children because their religion forbids it. The government stepped in and took custody of the children so the doctors could do their jobs and save the kids lives.

    This is the type of thing that shows just how goddamn stupid religion can be, and why we as a modern intelligent society need to finally grow up and stop believing in fairy tales. This couple’s belief in fairy tales could well have lead to the deaths of their own children.

    I’m not sure of the circumstances, but two of the six have already died. If those deaths had anything to do with this couple’s ridiculous beliefs, then they should be charged with criminal negligence. Or homicide.

    You know, I personally think the world would be much better off without all the religious baggage that humanity carries around. But whatever, if you need religion in your life, so fucking be it. But don’t you dare endanger your children’s or anyone else’s lives for the sake of your fairy tales.

    In another article a person of the same faith says, “Some people paint pictures of us as strange, fanatical people, but we’re not. We love our children and would do anything for them other than to break God’s law.” I don’t have kids or anything, but I’m pretty sure that if I did I would do ANYTHING for them, without qualification. God’s law my ass.

  • Canadian Online Music Sales On The Rise


    CMCC Congratulates Industry on Unparalleled Growth in Electronic Music Sales

    Nielsen BDS numbers released January 17th show that Canada’s digital download market grew more than any major market in 2006. This exciting news has the Canadian Music Creators Coalition asking: “Why are the record labels still pushing for ways to sue Canadian music fans?”

    According to Nielsen, Canadian sales of music downloads grew an eye-popping 120% in 2006, well ahead of the 80% growth in Europe and 65% growth in the United States. Overall music sales grew 10%.

    Despite this growth, recent Canadian Press reports indicate that the major foreign music labels continue to pressure the federal government to move forward with radical changes to Canada’s Copyright Act.

    Major label representatives have consistently said that the only way the industry can survive is by making it easier to sue music downloaders and by providing legal protection to so-called “digital locks.” The member artists of the CMCC — the very artists copyright laws are designed to protect — aren’t convinced.

  • This is not news.


    Yes, yes… Paris Hilton is a whore and… well, a whore. and all that stuff… so nothing in these pictures that have come out of ParisExposed.com are really news or anything, but what’s really impressive are the ones of this guy doing a massive pile of coke off his own chest. I’m no expert in these things, but I’m pretty sure that guy must have died that night. Oh, and do yourself a favour and don’t click on this picture of Cisco Adler’s balls.

  • Some News


    You can now catch my DJ partner John and I on Sunday Nights at OnTap on York Street in Ottawa spinning hits from the 80’s and 90’s. This is kind of a dream come true for us – we’ve always wanted our own club night, and finally have it.

    Sure, we’d have preferred to have had this 5 years ago or so, before we both got too old to really be out so late on Sunday nights… but whatever. We’ll just have to work on our Sunday afternoon power-naps.

    I’ve also taken over as Production Manager on a production of Michel Tremblay’s Forever Yours Marie-lou which will be playing February 22-25 at Cube Gallery in Ottawa. This is a long-awaited return to the theatre for me, something I’ve been itching to get back into for a long time. It’s been more than 5 years since my production company, Pressed For Time closed out its last production, and I’ve been feeling the itch for a while…