September 2009

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    Michael Moore has quite the rant at #TIFF09 on how capitalism killed the newspaper: # How to cure your asthma by infesting yourself with Hookworms: # Creation too ‘controversial’ for American audiences: – would be a shame if it didn’t get US dist. It’s a great movie. # wonder how much crossover…

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  • My Tumblr Experiment


    Over the past week I’ve started playing around with micro-blogging system Tumblr (see my Tumblelog here).  I’ve been using it to post images and quotes and videos and short links that I normally wouldn’t publish here and are not really appropriate for Twitter – stuff that when crammed into url shorteners and reduced to 140…

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  • The Organized Crime Winery @


    A while a go, Dave from Fine Diners clued me into to this small boutique winery in the Niagara region. Since we were in the area for the Burlington Rib Festival and had a few hours to spare. My father and I decide to take a drive out to The Organized Crime Winery in Beamsville…

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  • recently on


    Sitting on a patio enjoying some refreshments! Awesome day! # Just added another film to our #TIFF09 lineup: the Canadian film Passenger Side by Matthew Bissonnette. On our way in a little over 24hrs! # NICE! Just added another to our #TIFF09 list: A Serious Man by The Coen Brothers! tht it was sold out,…

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  • TIFF09: Day 1 – On our way (almost)!


    In a couple of hours we’ll be boarding our flight, and then a short while later we’ll land in Toronto for the opening night of TIFF09!  We’re just in town for a weekend this year but we managed to get tickets for 13 films, the big day being Friday when we’ll be in and out…

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