recently on


  • Sitting on a patio enjoying some refreshments! Awesome day! #
  • Just added another film to our #TIFF09 lineup: the Canadian film Passenger Side by Matthew Bissonnette. On our way in a little over 24hrs! #
  • NICE! Just added another to our #TIFF09 list: A Serious Man by The Coen Brothers! tht it was sold out, but took a shot and tix came up! #
  • Cool new iPod Nano with video, microphone, speaker, FM tuner, pedometer… why no camera for the rest of the line? #
  • Genius Playlists kinda rocks #
  • ha! I was about to send an email wherein I mention attached files but forgot the attachment, and Gmail – like a good friend – reminded me! #
  • Agreed – HATE scalpers! RT @CAMERON_TIFF: This is appalling: #
  • :Here we come! Bags (almost) packed, flight in a few hours, heading for a great TIFF kickoff at MMadness tonight! #
  • Happy TIFF to all! RT @pink_lolly: Hello to some new #TIFF09 #TIFF followers!! Here’s to an amazing week ahead.. All for the love of film 🙂 #
  • Crap! Forgot my camera at home… Oh well, may be a picture-free TIFF this year… #
  • About to board the plane – see you soon #TIFF09! #
  • Great kickoff to the fest 2nite at midnight madness with Jennifer’s Body – great fun flick – Megan Fox and Amanda Seyfreid were hot! #TIFF09 #
  • Diablo Cody was good fun at the Q&A – “put it in!” – Booo to the paps who chased Megan Fox off after. #TIFF09 #
  • That was one messed up dress m fox was wearing though… Ok off to bed – got a 9:30am screening tomorrow! #TIFF09 #
  • Totally bummed that I forgot my camera… May consider buying one! #
  • Good morning all! Early start today, in line for a screening earlier than I usually show up for work! Long day today at #TIFF09 ending … #
  • It starts today with The Happiest Girl in the World #
  • Atom Egoyan is in the house #TIFF09 #
  • It’s hard to be The Happiest Girl in the World with your parents around #
  • Next up, Huacho #TIFF09 #
  • Huacho was so so… Now off to see Creation a film about Charles Darwin #
  • Big crowd out for Creation today… And umm… Kinda old… #TIFF09 #
  • Paul Bettany and Jennifer Connelly were amazing… And loved the monkey! #TIFF09 #
  • Great Q&A with director and writer of Creation #TIFF09 #
  • Now right back into the Ryerson for Perrier’s Bounty – loved this director’s entry last year, looking forward to this! #
  • Perrier’s Bounty was a riot! Now off to the Canadian road trip movie, Passenger Side #TIFF09 #
  • Passenger Side is like a road movie unlike any other… Adam Scott was great – and loved the music too! #
  • Passenger Side is like a road movie without the destination… In a good way #TIFF09 #
  • And back to the Ryerson for our last screening of the day, Daybreakers at midnight madness! #TIFF09 #
  • Oh nerds behind me in line, why do you have to be so loud and nerdy? #
  • Way in the back balcony for Daybreakers… Do not like. #
  • Love a good vampire flick – Daybreakers was awesome! #TIFF09 #
  • Was a great day at #TIFF09 – tomorrow should be comparatively shorter… Only 4 films, including The Informant! And A Serious Man #
  • Six films today was rough but also awesome #
  • Settling in for our first ever screening at the Visa Screening Room – Soderberg’s The Informant! with Matt Damon! #
  • The Informant! was hilarious! #
  • Now checking out the Canadian film All Fall Down #
  • I never walk out on movies – faced with the choice btwn sleeping in a theatre chair or drinking on a patio this gorgeous day… Guess what? #
  • Napping and conserving energy for @mmadness tonight and (hopefully) @TheDrakeHotel after for some late night drinks and dancing #TIFF09 #
  • Now heading to see the Coen Brothers’ A Serious Man – which will surely redeem our day from that snoozefest we saw this aft #TIFF09 #
  • Got amazing seats for A Serious Man! Can’t wait! Survival of the Dead later – missed the zombie walk earlier, but saw the dead out in fo … #
  • Wild crowd in the lineup for Survival of the Dead tonight! #TIFF09 #
  • Everybody up for George Romero! #
  • Survival of the Dead was bloody good fun. Romero received a hero’s welcome! #TIFF09 #
  • Another day down… Sad that we only have two films left before we gotta go home. Oh well – off to bed to dream of zombies exploding #TIFF09 #
  • Cracks was incredible – best movie I saw this wknd… Now to pack up at the hotel, then Valhalla Rising, then home… #TIFF09 #