September 2006

  • Off again


    Ok, it’s been a really busy week getting caught up from last week, and now I have to take off again – this time to Niagara for a softball tournament. When I get back, when things settle down again, I’ll flesh out some of those reviews as promised, and write all kinds of other incredibly…

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  • Some Vids


    Like most digital cameras, mine has a video feature that I don’t use very much. I did point-and-shoot a couple vids this past week though, so here they are: Vince Vaughn on his favourite part of making his film – at the Q&A for Vince Vaughn’s Wild West Comedy Show. Bobcat Goldthwait Loves Degrassi –…

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  • Day 6, 7, 8, and the post-tiff blues…


    Ok, we’re back home. I’m kinda sad. Gotta start work tomorrow and no more movies for a while… that was so much fun. We’re already planning next year’s visit. I’ll write more wrap up stuff later, and as promised, get back to re-reviewing some of the flicks. For now, just some more quickies: Day 6:…

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  • Day 4 and 5: I Met Bobcat!


    Ok, some more quickie reviews – I promise, I’ve been taking notes and will try to expand on some of this stuff later. I’ll just start with a note about today: I met and had my picture taken with Bobcat Goldthwait at the screening of his film, Sleeping Dogs Lie. I was so totally giddy…

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  • Day 2, Day 3 and beyond… and dialup access sucks


    I wanted to spend more time writing these reviews before posting them, but just haven’t been as productive as I’d hoped… so I’m going to rapid-fire a handful here, but I reserve the right to revisit them later. Day 2: Wild, Wild West: Vince Vaughn’s Wild West Comedy Show: 30 Days & 30 Nights –…

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  • TIFF Day 1: Connectivity Issues


    Ok folks, sorry in advance if posts are more scarce than I’d promised. The place we rented is great – awesome location, really cute little basement apartment, but one thing is missing: the ad said there’d be Internet Access. Sadly, that seems not to be the case. There’s an Ethernet jack, so the place is…

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  • Greetings from TIFF – Finally! (and Sorry!)


    Sorry for the lack of posts folks, turns out there’s no internet access at the place we’re staying at, as I had been told there would be… I’ve been writing some stuff offline and will try to post whenever I can. I’ll post stuff from Day 1 right now, and will try to get to…

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  • On our way


    It was a helluva workday for both of us, but now it’s done, and we’re hitting the road… real soon – just a few more things to tie up at home. Tomorrow morning we pick up our tickets, and our first film is “The Pervert’s Guide To Cinema” at 12:15. YAY!

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  • Our own little filmfest


    Last weekend was a gloomy-rainy-indoorsy weekend here in Ottawa, so Danielle and I decided to get geared up for the filmfest by… seeing a bunch of films. Friday night we saw Little Miss Sunshine, and all I gotta say is, GO SEE IT NOW. If this is not the funniest movie you’ve seen all year,…

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  • Quote-a-licious


    “EVERYTHING’S GONE GREEN is about when you get older and you feel certain doors closing very quickly on you. It deals with that feeling of now or never.” – Douglas Coupland I’m really looking forward to this flick – I love Coupland’s work (I think I own just about everything he’s written!), and I totally…

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