August 2004

  • I also got this bridge for sale…


    Florida State University is reportedly in the process of finalizing a deal with Apple Computer, hoping to stem the tide of illegal file sharing on campus. The deal would see Apple Computer provide free iTunes software to students and allow them to download music for 99 cents a song. If you can’t spot the problem…

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  • Interview with Jack Valenti


    Wow, Jack Valenti, outgoing president of the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), once again shows us just how much he ‘gets it’ in this interview with Endgadget. Over time, I believe that technological innovation is the best way to go…I have said, technology is what causes the problem, and technology will be the salvation…

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  • FireFoxIE


    Ok, so you want a better browser and you’ve been thinking about making the Switch, but you are really accustomed to the look and features of Microsoft IE. You understand the value of security and the standards support of Firefox, but just can’t get past the unfamiliar interface. Enter FireFoxIE – a collection of tools…

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  • Burning Desire


    BurningMan is officially under way today… I wish I could be there. I’ll probably post lots about it this week, starting with this: Black Rock City Local Weather Conditions from Center Camp. 87 degrees and climbing as of 11:33am local time. Man, I miss the desert.

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  • Mr. Sun knows all


    How to score at the Republican National Convention.: “Tell her that the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge isn’t the only gorgeous, white thing you’d like to see drilled immediately.” Warn her that, “No disrespect to W. but if a pretzel makes you gag, then maybe we shouldn’t go up to my room and let loose The…

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  • Browse Happy


    Browse Happy is a new campaign by WaSP: Despite Microsoft’s efforts to keep a competitive browser on the market, problems with Internet Explorer for Windows continue to mount. Meanwhile, Microsoft has announced that broad changes to Microsoft Internet Explorer for Windows will wait for the official release of the next-generation Microsoft operating system — scheduled…

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  • Dahmer for President!


    Jason Kottke on the Republican and Democratic campaign strategists: “A few Madison Avenue ad guys could run Jeffrey Dahmer for President and outwit these knuckleheads.”

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  • VOIP, anyone?


    Anyone out there use Vonage in Canada? When I move in October, I’m thinking of switching my ISP to Rogers Cable and using Vonage for my phone service. It’d save a couple bucks, and it’s got that early-adopter draw. The basic plan comes with everything you would have to pay extra for at Bell (call…

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