
  • Thoughts on Threads


    So Meta launched their “Twitter killer” app Threads last weekend, and in a few days has amassed over 100 million users. This is an incredible growth rate for a new social platform. It speaks volumes about how toxic and divisive Twitter has become that people are so eagerly and actively looking for the next thing.…

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  • Spicy chicken sandwich-gorithm


    So Twitter open-sourced its algorithm today, and the community jumped into action to help Elon improve this platform he accidentally bought as a joke. Here are some of my favourite pull requests made to the repo today. This helpful fix nukes the Twitter Blue amplification on the For You tab: There were quite a few…

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  • Thrift store finds


    Some solid thrift store finds tonight! The cassette selection was a little light, but the CD selection was on point! I probably already own a few of these in other formats. Heck, I probably already own a couple of these on CD. But hey, for $2 I’m not gonna worry too much about it. I…

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  • Groundhog day is coming


    The big day is right around the corner! By this time next week, groundhogs (and other weather-predicting rodents, mammals, or otherwise) all over North America will emerge from their dens and tell the rest of us how much more of this winter we have to endure. Aside from dusting off your copy of the Bill…

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  • Are CD’s the new vinyl?


    I’ve been collecting music my entire life. I’ve collected all the formats – starting in my tweens in the 80’s with cassettes and vinyl (mostly 45s), CD’s in the 90’s for the bulk of my late-teens and twenties, and I caught the early wave of the vinyl resurgence in my thirties at the top of…

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  • New Year’s Eve New Board Game


    Last night for a variety of reasons, we had a rather quiet night in to ring in the new year. Earlier in the day I had bought a new game from someone on the Ottawa Board Game Market, so we figured this was a good night to try it out. The game is Pan Am,…

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  • What is it about Mastodon?


    Keen-eyed observers will note that this blog has been fairly inactive for a very long time. It’s been my little corner of the web for many years. I bought the domain in 2004, though I didn’t start posting here until 2007. The archives go back to about 2000, with many posts imported from earlier online…

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  • Choosing a Mastodon Server and Why You Shouldn’t Stress About It


    The average person’s experience of signing up for a social network thus far has been pretty straight-forward. When you join Twitter, you go to twitter.com and sign up, that’s it. You’re on Twitter. Or perhaps you download the app and sign up there. But beyond picking your username, there’s not much else in terms of…

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  • Mastodon and the Fediverse


    The great un-twittering is well underway. However you feel about Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter, many people are choosing to leave the platform under his leadership, or at least starting to explore alternatives. Enter Mastodon. Or, to use the more accurate nomenclature, the Fediverse. The Fediverse describes a broader network of services that are connected…

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  • Marc-Andre


    25 years ago in June 1995, my best friend and I went on a life-changing journey across Canada (well, the western half at least). It was my first trip anywhere without my family, I think it was his as well.  We bought a 30-day Greyhound pass, packed our backpacks, and set off.  We spent 150+…

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