
  • Amazon MP3 – Sweet!


    So Amazon launched their own online music store this week to much fanfare, its big claim to fame being that it’s specifically an MP3 store – that is, they sell unprotected, DRM-free surprisingly good quality MP3’s, and even better, most of the tracks are only $0.89, 10 cents less than iTunes. This is huge news…

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  • BuzzFeed: Temporary Marriages


    “Germany and Iran propose temporary marriages that can be renewed or annulled at the end of the term. Eternal love is overrated! We think seven years is a safe amount of time to get really sick of someone.” nice.

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  • Ok, here we go again…


    So this is something I’ve been meaning to do for a LONG time… just finished up some major overhauls to the site – aside from the obvious switch to a more personalized domain, I’ve also ported all of my content over from Blogger/Blogspot to a WordPress installation on my own server. This installation will provide…

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  • coldfusion 7.0


    I’m wondering if we’re maybe seeing the beginning of the end for ColdFusion, at least as Macromedia product? My inbox has seen a few messages about the new 7.0 release of CF, most of which contain all sorts of assertions from Ben Forta (“ColdFusion Product Evangalist”) that this is the most important release in a…

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  • ·

    Derek Powazek had this to say on his website: “It’s difficult to explain what that First Time is like to someone who’s never been, but everyone who has understands. Have you ever taken a trip that lasted long enough, and was dramatically different enough, that you completely forgot where you came from? It’s like that.…

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