Link Log: XMLHttpRequest
Guide to Using XMLHttpRequest (with Baby Steps)
Guide to Using XMLHttpRequest (with Baby Steps)
There’s been loads of buzz lately surrounding a set of web technologies which Jesse James Garrett of Adaptive Path recently named “Ajax.” Simply put, Ajax refers to the use of Asynchronous Javascript and XML in web applications to help speed and improve user experience by reducing page loads. I got a chance to mess around…
I’m wondering if we’re maybe seeing the beginning of the end for ColdFusion, at least as Macromedia product? My inbox has seen a few messages about the new 7.0 release of CF, most of which contain all sorts of assertions from Ben Forta (“ColdFusion Product Evangalist”) that this is the most important release in a…
Good post (and ensuing discussion) on Mezzoblue about how Canadian sites handle Language considerations. Many, including of course all Federal Government sites and some commercial sites like Future Shop, prefer to party like it’s 1999 and opt for a Splash page, while others, like HBC choose to arbitrarily present one language by default (usually English),…
Hunter S. Thompson was found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound yesterday. Thompson’s brand of Gonzo Journalism won him much respect and adoration in his 67 years. Goodnight, good doctor…
Although I just had a fantastic Valentines Day with my new belle, I still can’t help but laugh at these anti-valentines posters.
I mean it, he really is a dick. Check out these comic book covers and see if you disagree. For Example, or perhaps you would prefer…
Ok, not exactly fired. But my current employment arrangement will be coming to a close at the end of March. So, if you’re looking for an experienced ColdFusion developer who loves Web Standards, is rock solid with CSS, knows some PHP, and is a very enthusiastic and quick learner, have a look at my resume(soon…
This kicks so much ass it’s not funny. Goodbye Mapquest, goodbye Yahoo Maps… this is beautiful.
Tweedy of Wilco, in a conversation with Lawrence Lessig: “Music,” he explained, “is different” from other intellectual property. Not Karl Marx different – this isn’t latent communism. But neither is it just “a piece of plastic or a loaf of bread.” The artist controls just part of the music-making process; the audience adds the rest.…