October 2004

  • iPod, you pod?


    Seems everyone is getting their own special edition iPod these days… my favourite: The Ashlee Simpson Karaoke Edition

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  • Be a Geek


    Mozilla is getting ready for its Firefox 1.0 release, and as they have done in the past for 1.0 releases, they’ve put out a call to organize a worldwide party. I’ve thrown my name in to organize the Ottawa party, tentatively scheduled for November 20th at Patty Bolands. The Firefox team is expecting a release…

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  • The Register: Music sales rise despite RIAA’s best efforts


    While most companies would brag about a rise in profits, the music labels seem to agonize over the recent upturn. One thing is for sure, suing more teenagers and grandmothers won’t help their cause. “The upshot of this is that consumers are meant to ignore higher sales of cheap CDs, a sour overall economy for…

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  • Fear and Loathing, Campaign 2004


    Hunter S. Thompson is the greatest: Four more years of George Bush will be like four more years of syphilis. Only a fool or a sucker would vote for a dangerous loser like bush. He hates everything we stand for, and he knows we will vote against him in November.” and, “Did you see Bush…

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  • Ottawa Sun: Trouble a big softie


    This story of a rescued Pit Bull is the kind of press the breed needs more often. And this link, sent in by a friend (thanks Erin!), is a brutal look at the reality of who the greater danger is to who. Not for the faint of heart.

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  • Suite 204


    So I’m all moved into my new Loft. I’m not totally settled in yet- still some boxes lying around, and my living room isn’t set up yet – no big deal, since I added television to the list of things I gave up for Sober October. My office is mostly setup with the wicked desk…

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  • Seeing the Mona Lisa


    Reading this article about the people who visit the Mona Lisa got me to thinking about the value of true experience. I first began to think about this after my first year of Burning Man – it was a totally overwhelming experience, as it is for all newbies. There was so much to see and…

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  • Call for the Resignation of Michael Bryant


    Ontario: Call for the Resignation of Michael Bryant: “In his handling of the investigation into the possibility of banning ‘pit bulls’ in Ontario, Attorney General Michael Bryant has broken the public trust. On this basis we demand his immediate resignation. In looking into the pit bull ban Mr. Bryant sought the answers that suited his…

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  • Spot the Pit


    One of the biggest problems with Breed Specific Legislation is the frequency of breed misidentification. All dog attack statistics are suspect because they rely on media or victim breed identification. See how you’d fare: The Challenge The Answers You may be interested in signing the petition

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