June 2004

  • Black Tuesday


    What a disappointment. Make no mistake about it: last night’s win for the Liberal minority government was a victory for sleaze and lies. The Liberals ran on a platform of fear and half-truths and innuendo and the people of this country have bought it hook, line and sinker. The Liberals have certainly lowered the bar…

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  • Unfairenheit 9/11


    The Lies of Michael Moore. Just a little reminder to all those who have been coming out of the theatres all outraged and incited, Michael Moore does not have the final word on all this. He is a man with an agenda and a tendency for sensationalism who is out to sell you movie tickets.…

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  • VOTE


    Many Canadians are cynical and disillusioned with the electoral process in this country, so much so that in the last federal election, only 61% of the electorate bothered to show up to vote. Many feel they haven’t been given any real choice, and are so distrusting of politicians that there really is no one to…

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  • Reason #23654


    Security experts have issued a warning not to use Internet Explorer due to recent security vulnerabilities that could relinquish control of a user’s computer. Like I didn’t need need another reason to pontificate on the wonders of Firefox. Seriously people, STOP USING INTERNET EXPLORER! Firefox is quite simply the best browser going. Unless you’re on…

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  • The Calgary Sun: Taxing Future


    It would be a hilarious coincidence if it didn’t hurt so much. Not only is June 28 the date of the federal election this year, it is also the day Canadians can start working for themselves. According to The Fraser Institute’s annual Tax Freedom Day calculations, all income earned by the average Canadian family prior…

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  • Wake the hell up, Ontario!


    What the hell is wrong with people in this province? According to the latest polls, the Liberals are riding a surge in support in these last few days before the election. This Liberal government could potentially be rewarded for 11 years of corruption and mismanagment with a minority government this coming Monday. What the hell…

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  • Thoughts on the debate


    So the english language Leaders Debate was held in Ottawa tonight. Just a few thoughts.. Overall, not much of a debate… more of a series of speeches and a lot of ignoring. The moderation was pretty poor, and the leaders rarely seemed to listen to what others were saying and rarely got into any real…

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