September 2002

  • What were they thinking?


    I don’t know if this thing is still available, but some time ago Mattel released a Harry Potter Nimbus 2000 Broom. It’s a broom that looks exactly like the one Harry flies around on in the movie. Not exactly remarkable in itself, the broom has a few interesting features: It comes with sound effects, and…

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  • Finally… people who really "get it"


    “Why don’t we, instead of trying to sell our knowledge over the internet, just give it away.” Over the next 10 years, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) will move all of its existing coursework on to the internet. For free. Thousands of pages of information as well as hours of streaming video lectures, seminars…

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    Think you got what it takes? Fill out this Girlfriend Application and see.

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    Sphincterine – you may need this. I don’t wanna know if you do, but just in case, here it is. (stolen from dz

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  • Welcome to the redesign


    Finally… something different. been wanting to do a redesign for a while, but just haven’t had the time to do it. I’ve still got some cleaning up to do – I’m pretty sure it looks like shit in Netscape 4.x – and I haven’t checked this on my mac yet. Other than that, I hope…

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