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Month: September 2002

Sponsor Me?

I’ll be doing the 5k CIBC Run For The Cure for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation on October 6. Information about the run can be found here. If you’re interested in sponsoring me, you can do so online using Visa, Mastercard or American Express by clicking here.

Never thought I’d say this…

But I support the Prime Minister in his recent comments about the Western world’s responsibilities in the wake of September 11.

Many people were quick to jump on him, accusing him of blaming the victims for the attacks. Despite Mr. Chretien’s bumbling english (favourite line in the article: “The wonderful thing about Canada and the United States is we probably have two of the most inarticulate leaders in the western world, so figuring out what either of them is trying to say is a challenge“), I think he makes a fair point: That the Western world needs to take a long hard look at the consequences of the growing divide between rich and poor nations.

The comments sparked a great discussion over at Metafilter.

Says Who? Says God

“And it came to pass that God visited the earth, and He did behold a series of billboard ads attributing to Him utterances of such banality that they would never pass His lips in a billion years. And it came to pass that God in His wrath considered a libel suit, but in the end opted simply to mount an ad campaign of His own. . . .”

“If I wanted you to have seven kids, I would have given you a bigger planet.” – God

“Want to know how old the earth is? Ask the earth, not the Bible.” -God

“I’m flattered you liked my book so much. Now why don’t you read something new?” -God

Sorry for the lack of posts… I’ve been gone for a while… on one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I will write more about this later – when I’ve had time to rest and digest.