May 2001

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    Viva Las Vegas! Well, I’m off for a little holiday till June 5th! Me and the boys are headin’ down to Vegas for a little hella fun! I’ll post pics when we get back. Looking for entertainment? I know a few assholes who may be up to the task. Think that’s infantile? Ben over at…

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    Deep-Fried Mars Bar no, seriously. apparently it’s good. people are nuts. (thanks, IronMinds)

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    Hot for teacher – Y’know, if they had teachers like this when I was in school, maybe I would have spent more time there! (no, I don’t condone this type of behaviour, but if I was 17 years old, I don’t think I’d be complaining)

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    I survived… …the weekend! Every year on this long weekend, a bunch of friends of mine and I celebrate all of our May birthdays (mine was yesterday). It usually turns into an all-debauchery, all-the-time weekend! I’m proud to say, I’ve survived one more. And I even made it to work today. I’m feeling a little…

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    Happy Birthday to you… the World Wide Web turned 10 today. Happy Birthday Web!

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    “Hey, watch this!” Last words of a redneck? (thanks romenesko)

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    Doctors say Marijuana should not be a crime – The Canadian Medical Association Journal has come out in favour of decriminalization by saying that Canadians caught with small amounts should not get stuck with a criminal record. “The minimal negative health effects of moderate use would be attested to by the estimated 1.5 million Canadians…

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    Shhhhhh! every link in this paragraph including this one and this one have been created without permission from these idiots. Wonder what they think they can do about it? (thanks to 3na for the link. oops, I didn’t ask them for permission, either… ah fuck it)

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