Twitter Updates for 2007-10-05 October 5, 2007 · so so hungry… TGI Pizza Day! # off to Quebec City for the weekend! # bookmarks for September 28th through October 1st October 2, 2007 · dsamojlenko Crackbook – Addictive Social-Networking FriendFeed To Aggregate Social Network Data Into A Single Feed FriendFeed – “FriendFeed makes it easy to keep track of the web pages, videos, music, and photos your friends and family interact with around the Internet. The site is currently in a private beta-testing period.” The Road to Turducken, Part 1 – Turducken, YEAH!
YouTube – Paris Hilton on Letterman October 1, 2007 · admin Letterman is brilliant. Word is, Paris left the stage crying saying she’d never do the show again. I can’t imagine why.
Twitter Updates for 2007-09-30 September 30, 2007 · dsamojlenko Sober October starts tomorrow – just got stocked up on lots of healthy food! #
Twitter Updates for 2007-09-28 September 28, 2007 · dsamojlenko "Canada was founded by a duck, a beaver and a moose." # I have a confession to make: I bought the new Kanye West album and I think I like it. I’m not sure how I feel about that. # hey, it’s the weekend AND it’s a payday – I’m a gettin’ DRUNK #
Daily for September 27th September 28, 2007 · dsamojlenko Google to Take On Facebook Re: Thoughts on the social graph Brad’s Thoughts on the Social Graph Lifehacker Top 10 Ways to Put Your Remote Server to Good Use