recently on
Just arrived in TO – our apartment is awesome! # Picked up our tickets – first screening is O’Horten tonight at 8:45! #
Just arrived in TO – our apartment is awesome! # Picked up our tickets – first screening is O’Horten tonight at 8:45! #
7 days to go, first picks done: # w00t! Just got the email – we got all our picks! #
TIFF08 schedule drops tomorrow a.m. w00t! # TIFF schedule is out – it’s obsession time… how am I supposed to get any work done today?? # My overlong shortlist of flicks to see at TIFF: #
heading to the polls – gonna get my vote on! #
made it back in time for thanksgiving, woohoo! #
Watching Crack TV # le shopping #
so so hungry… TGI Pizza Day! # off to Quebec City for the weekend! #
building computers! #
Playing with FriendFeed – cool! #
Blogging more, Facebooking less #