• TIFF 08 – Days 4&5 – Briefly


    Haven’t had much time to write.  Got another busy day today, so just a few quick things: Ghost Town:  an otherwise completely ordinary film was quite funny thanks to Ricky Gervais The People Speak:  Howard Zinn, Matt Damon, Josh Brolin and Chris Moore along with surprise guests Marissa Tomei and Viggo Mortensen discuss the documentary…

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  • TIFF 08 – Day 3 – Cont’d


    Ok, busy couple of days…  the party on Day 3 was totally fun – we got all dressed up and went to the place and enjoyed some complimentary wine and food (roast beef, assorted hors d’oevres and cheeses, oh my!) and performances by members of the cast of the revival production of A Chorus Line. …

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  • TIFF 08 – Day 3 – Going to a party!


    Just dropping in quickly after a screening of A No-Hit No-Run Summer, a great little French Canadian film.  Set in Montreal summer of 1969, a 12 year old kid who’s obsessed with the Expos’ first season and dying to play ball himself, tries out for the local team but is denied.  His dad, previously unenthusiastic…

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  • TIFF 08 – Day 2 – Black Comedies Abound


    Just a quick rundown – guests arrived late last night and so not much time for writing over the next few days… First flick was an Irish black comedy, A Film With Me In It – funny as hell – wickedly funny script, great performances by the actors, and a truly dark and absurd plot. …

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  • TIFF 08 – Day 1, here we go!


    So now that the fest has gotten underway, I’m going to try to update this blog as much as I can.  Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done – we’re going to have some pretty late nights and some pretty hectic days and we’ve got guests coming to join us through this weekend so I don’t…

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  • TIFF 08 Films – Zack and Miri


    Just released:  the red band trailer for Zack and Miri Make a Porno (links to better quality version than the embed below), and the Canadian version of the poster for the flick (the MPAA banned this poster from distribution in the USA – yay Canada!)

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  • TIFF 08 – Final Schedule


    And here it is, just got word that we got all of our picks, so here’s the final rundown of films we’ll be seeing at this year’s Toronto International Film Festival: Thursday September 4 O’Horten (Bent Hamer, Norway) JCVD (Mabrouk El Mechri, France/Luxembourg/Belgium) Friday September 5 A Film With Me In It (Ian FitzGibbon, Ireland)…

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  • TIFF 08 – 7 Days and Finally, a Final List of First Picks


    7 days to go!  Since the schedule and programme information went live 2 days ago we’ve just been pouring over the information available, post-it noting the hell out of the program book, and putting together a list of all the films that are remotely interesting to us.  Once that was mostly together (it’s never really…

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  • TIFF 08 – Working on the list


    With the Premium tickets already on sale, the full film list out, and the schedule about to be announced, I’m starting to build out my shortlist of films I’d like to catch at TIFF08 over here.  Currently the list is heavy on Special Presentations and light on World Cinema – will have to work on…

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  • TIFF 08 – Gala Tix and other things


    So Gala and Visa Screening Room tickets went on sale this weekend.  We managed to get a pair for the opening of Burn After Reading, the new Coen brothers film starring Brad Pitt, George Clooney, John Malkovich, Tilda Swinton and Frances McDormand.  I love the Coen Brothers’ films and we figured this would be a…

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