November 2012

  • Think about this the next time the collection basket comes around


    The Catholic Church has invested nearly $2 million attempting to deny equal marriage rights to all. Taking up where the Mormons left off in 2008, the Catholic Church – and its affiliate, the Knights of Columbus – have made considerable investments in the marriage fights in Minnesota, Maryland, Washington State and Maine this election cycle…

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  • Election Night Drinking Game


    Who’s with me? Whether you get your results from CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, C-SPAN or one of the broadcast networks, take a drink* every time someone on screen says anything on the following list: Ground Game Firewall Sandy Photo ID Recount Youth Vote Enthusiasm The Name of a Third Party Candidate (Gary Johnson, Jill Stein,Virgil…

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  • Sounds Wonderful


    Farhad Manjoo on Microsoft’s Surface: The first problem is speed. Everything you do on the Surface takes more time than you expect. When you load an app, switch between apps, launch a Web page, go back to a previous Web page, check your email, and do pretty much anything else, you’ll find yourself waiting a…

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  • We Are All from New Orleans Now


    Mike Tidwell, writing for The Nation: The presidential candidates decided not to speak about climate change, but climate change has decided to speak to them. And what is a thousand-mile-wide storm pushing eleven feet of water toward our country’s biggest population center saying just days before the election? It is this: we are all from…

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  • It’s Global Warming, Stupid


    “It’s Global Warming, Stupid” All it took was a major catastrophe on the eastern seaboard, but we’re finally starting to talk about the effect of climate change on weather.  Love this cover on BloombergBusinessweek, and it’s been very reassuring to see more and more recent news stories making the connection between Hurricane Sandy and Climate…

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