Virgin Mobile Dancemob at YDS in TO
Serious Eats has a Food Lab feature on how to make Ricotta cheese, where they dispel some myths about temperature and level of difficulty, and confirm something anyone who has ever heated milk on the stovetop already knows: As milk heats, the proteins and fats on the top surface begin to coagulate, forming a sort…
Ron Eade on bottled water: Yes, I suppose we can mitigate our guilt by tossing plastic bottles into a blue box recycling bin (originally promoted by the packaging industry to put an end to returnable bottles). But the fact that non-renewable petroleum is used to make beverage containers, and then more petrol is used to…
[via This Is Why You’re Fat]
Dan Wineman: A conversation I have every month or so: Me: (tries to visit a local restaurant’s website via iPhone) Restaurant website: I require Flash. Fuck off. [via DF]
Improperly beaten egg whites (both under- and over-beaten) aren’t aerated adequately, and as a result, the final product is dense, flat, and a big disappointment, especially if your arms are aching from beating those eggs by hand. But it’s not hard to get it right, especially if you know a few tips.
So a while back I added a plugin and setup my blog to collect my tweets each week and aggregate them into a weekly post like the ones below. My thought then was that since I publish quite a bit at Twitter and not so much here, these weekly posts would keep this blog a…
A butcher on how to choose, wield and horribly injure oneself with a knife. However beautiful the shinogi line of a charcoal-forged Santoku, and no matter how solidly made the vintage steel of a French chef’s knife, I have to admit that after years of collecting the world’s finest knives I have settled on one…