November 2006

  • ColdFusion… really.


    Finally, a response for all those people that have been asking me, “ColdFusion, really? I thought that technology was dead….” I’ve heard that phrase intermittently throughout my 7 years of programming CF, and it always blows my mind… but especially now – this is a time when I feel the CF Developer Community is stronger…

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    links for 2006-11-28 php-gtk2 Cookbook: How to display a tree structure from array? (tags: php) Laid-back desk posture can cut back pain risk I mastered this technique ages ago (tags: ergonomics article) Phoogle Maps 2.0 PHP/Google Maps (tags: php GoogleMaps) PHP GoogleMapAPI by Monte Ohrt (tags: php api googlemaps programming) Jokes Made by Robots, for…

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    links for 2006-11-27 Avoid the loony Zune Yes, Microsoft’s new Zune digital music player is just plain dreadful. I’ve spent a week setting this thing up and using it, and the overall experience is about as pleasant as having an airbag deploy in your face. (tags: zune) Neuros OSD (tags: media technology movies music)

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    links for 2006-11-21 Is he racist? Joel on Software: Choices = Headaches The Wiire Nintendo Wii News, Podcasts, Rumors, Media, Previews, Reviews, Analysis and Community (tags: nintendo wii games) PortableApps Suite 1.0 PortableApps Suite is a collection of portable apps including a web browser, email client, office suite, calendar/scheduler, instant messaging client, antivirus, sudoku game,…

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    links for 2006-11-20 PaginateIt – A PHP Pagination Class (tags: PHP prog) Securing your production.log (tags: ruby rails ruboyonrails security) Rails Analyzer (tags: ruby rails rubyonrails programming log) Kottke: Psychology of the Wii and PS3 (tags: wii games nintendo) One Bank

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    links for 2006-11-17 Foot-dragging is a tradition (tags: AndrewCoyne Climate Politics) Is Zune the Next BOB? “Hint to Microsoft: If you’re making a gadget that’s supposed to replace a gadget that most of your likely customers already own — don’t play it conservative!(“Buy my new Potato peeler. It’s almost exactly like the one you already…

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  • Boing Boing: Wii – first impressions


    Wii – first impressions: “The simplicity and intuitiveness of the controller had leveled the playing field between my daughter and me. Her days of treating me like one of those TV commercial idiot dads were over. ‘Hey, no fair!’ she said. ‘You’re bigger than me.’ ‘Payback is a mother, honey,’ I said. ‘Wanna try again?’”

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    links for 2006-11-16 An reader loses his ”Star Wars” virginity! Entertainment Weekly found some guy who hadn’t seen any of the Star Wars flicks and had him watch them in narrative order and then tell us about his experience (tags: StarWars movies entertainment) Zune and Vista ‘not compatible’??? Wow. Can it get worse? (tags:…

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