A couple more…


Just got a couple more picks in – single tickets went on sale this morning at 7am – and man, was the site pooched! It took forever to get them, but here’s what we got:

All The Boys Love Mandy Lane
There’s something about the name of this movie that grabbed me from the moment I saw it. We’ll be catching this horror/slasher flick at a midnight screening on Saturday night, something we really enjoyed doing last year.

Taking a hammer to the polished image of Hollywood teen horror, All the Boys Love Mandy Lane rips apart all the glossy mallrat stereotypes. Welcome to the post-Columbine world of dead teenagers as envisioned in this impaled, slashed and twisted take on the genre.

Kabul Express
This was a last-minute addition to our want-list, and I’m glad we got it:

War makes strange bedfellows, and there’s nothing stranger than two Indian journalists, an Afghan driver, a Pakistani member of the Taliban and a female American photographer bouncing around Kabul in a four-by-four. Set in the weeks after September 11, 2001, when journalists swept down on Afghanistan to witness the coming war, Kabul Express is a near-miraculous road movie. Incredibly, writer-director Kabir Khan captures not only the grim truth of that place, but also the unruly humour of a time when life could change by the minute.

Love and Other Disasters
This one just seemed like a cute little romantic comedy starring Brittany Murphy. I’m not sure why this one made it onto my list, but it did, and we’re seeing it!

Emily Jackson (Brittany Murphy) – “Jacks” to her many friends – is a sprightly, fashion-savvy American transplant living in London and working amid the diva-sphere that is “Vogue” magazine. She’s irrepressible and talks a blue streak day and night, but her heart’s in the right place: in love with love, Jacks is always looking to find perfect matches – like in the movies – for her closest friends and for herself.

Only 2 more sleeps!