November 2004

  • SPAM Poetry


    Spammers are trying all kinds of techniques to get through SPAM filters these days. From putting spaces between letters of the words (get some v i a g a r a!) to deliberate misspellings (l0west prices on M3DS) to what I like to call SPAM Poetry. This lovely poem appeared at the bottom of an…

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  • The Tech-Support Generation


    Next week, millions of college students and young professionals will head home for the Thanksgiving holidays. We’ll sit with our families in warm, candle-lit dining rooms eating stuffed turkey, reminiscing over old photographs, preparing holiday shopping lists and … Please. Let’s be frank. We are going home to fix our parents’ computers.

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  • My smart new router


    I bought a new router with all kinds of neat firewall features. I had some trouble getting it all setup and getting good download speeds with bittorrent. Somewhere along the way I turned on a feature where the router would email me when it’s under attack. I thought that would be cool. Turns out that…

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  • Spam spam spam spam


    Ever wonder why you get so much Spam? Because it works: As one of the world’s most prolific spammers, Jeremy Jaynes pumped out at least 10 million e-mails a day with the help of 16 high-speed lines, the kind of internet capacity a 1,000-employee company would need. Jaynes’ business was remarkably lucrative; prosecutors say he…

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  • Fanboy Alert!


    Saw the Beastie Boys on Wednesday night – what an amazing show. I’ve been listening to these guys for nearly 20 years hoping for a chance to someday see them perform live. Living in Ottawa has its downsides, not the least of which being in a smallish town, most big acts tend to pass us…

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  • Angel or Devil?


    Brad Anderson, CEO of Best Buy doesn’t want you shopping in his stores if you’re one of the 20% of his customers he refers to as “devils” Best Buy’s angels are customers who boost profits at the consumer-electronics giant by snapping up high-definition televisions, portable electronics, and newly released DVDs without waiting for markdowns or…

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  • Happy 1.0!!


    Mozilla Firefox 1.0 is here! If you haven’t done it yet, get your ass over to mozilla and download the shit out of that browser!

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  • 10×10


    100 Words and Pictures that Define the Time – This nifty little app scrapes pics and headlines off major news sites every hour and then compiles this grid of pictures. Try clicking around – fun stuff.

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