March 2003

  • Freedom 911


    Michael Moore on his next project: “I’m making a film called Fahrenheit 911, the temperature at which freedom burns. It’ll be about how Bush is using 9/11 and those 3,000 lost lives as an excuse to move along his own conservative agenda.”

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  • movin’ on up…


    this site is moving to a newer better faster stronger cooler server! so the weblog may go down for some time while I rework things… see you all soon!

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  • Irreversible


    The movie that inspired 250 Cannes film-goers to walk out, some of whom required medical attention, doesn’t get a review at Film Threat. “This is not a review of Gaspar Noe’s new film ‘Irreversible.” It is a warning. You have never seen a film like it; that is not a qualitative statement, it’s a fact.…

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  • welcome to the redesign


    I know… what the hell am I doing redesigning this site when it’s been sitting dormant for so long… what can I say – I couldn’t resist – Travis’s insanely cool patterns were calling to me (thanks to Matt). I’ve also been dying to make this site standards compliant. Which it is. Check it out:…

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  • ·

    What the Internet Is and How to Stop Mistaking It for Something Else by Doc Searls and David Weinberger.

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