A Happy New Year


So 2002 is behind us. I guess this is the time of year when we think about what kind of a year this past one was, and what kind of year we want to look forward to. Time for reflection and resolution. What kind of a year did I have?

I’ll tell you this: I’ll miss 2002. What a year.


March of this year saw my DJ company launch our series of Retro 80’s parties that have been a monumental success and made DJ’ing fun again.

I started Adventure Racing in May with a weekend event that has changed the course of my life in a significant and absolutely positive way.

Following my Synergy Adventure Weekend, I took on the task of rebuilding the Synergy website, which was the start of a great relationship with a great bunch of people.

I did my first Adventure Race in July in Kingston with Team Synergy Support, confirming my passion and love for the sport.

In October I rebuilt the ARIO (Adventure Racing in Ontario) website which furthered my commitment to the community, and has led to some new, very exciting projects that I can’t tell you about right now, but that will be super cool and fun to build and will be a boon to my freelance career for certain.

Through my involvement in the Adventure Racing Community, the people I’ve met and the prospects that have come to light in the past few months promise to make 2003 one of the greatest Adventures of all – on and off the racecourse.

In August, one of my best friends in the world was married, and I was his best man. The wedding was a blast, and it was truly inspiring to see two people that I care so much about that are so perfect for each other get hitched. It’s especially humbling since I introduced them.

The next morning I left on a 72 hour journey across the country to my first Burning Man. Wow. Can’t wait for the next one.

Some very important new friendships have been forged this past year. People from my work environment who will play a very important role in the direction of my life in 2003.

Though I spent a majority of this year single (and loved it!), it rounded off nicely with a new relationship (november) that is going quite well.

And just to make sure the year ended off with a bang, my DJ company threw a New Year’s bash that went off like nobody’s business. Two days to recover, and it was all worth it.


I’ve never been big on New Year’s Resolutions. My thinking has always been that I should just strive to improve myself, my life, or my surroundings every single day. Just resolve every morning to make the world a better place to live in – in any small or large way. And for the most part, that’s what I do.

If that’s a bit of a copout, so be it. I’d rather copout than make a resolution that will be forgotten in two weeks. I prefer the immediacy of my approach: make your life better every day.