Happy Birthday


It’s been two years since I started this blog… hard to believe. I can’t say I’ve been blogging for two years, since if you look at the archives, you’ll notice I took a break for no less than 7 months between October 2001 and May 2002. What can I say – I was busy and bored with the way the site was shaping up at the time… in May of this year, I was itching for a creative outlet, and decided to return to blogging – hoping to raise this site from the dead and bring it up to a higher level of creativity than simply posting odd links as I used to… I’ve been trying to give it a bit more of a personal touch, as well as express more opinions and share more creative-type writings. I still sometimes revert to the old odd-link format, mainly when I’m too busy to compose my thoughts on any given subject, but I think I’ve been keeping a pretty decent balance. Anyway, I hope I have been. And I hope to keep improving… I’ve got a lot of things I want to write about, if only I could find the time.