A letter to my Member of Parliament


FROM : Dave Samojlenko (dave@blogbynight.com)

SENT : Wednesday, June 05, 2002 11:04 AM

TO : Mac Harb (Harb.M@parl.gc.ca)

SUBJECT : The Federal Liberal Party

Dear Mr. Harb,

I have been a resident of your Constituency for over 25 years. I have been of legal voting age for the last 11. You have never received a letter from me. I have never called your office. I never felt I needed to, until now.

I feel I need to express my outrage at the recent events unfolding in the federal Liberal government, and in particular, the actions of our Prime Minister, Jean Chretien. Amidst allegations of corruption, deceit and ethical lapses, Mr. Chretien’s arrogance is growing. His dismissal this week of Finance Minister Paul Martin is a blatant slap in the face to all Canadians who have supported the Liberal Government for the past three elections – and it may very well be the straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back.

Mr. Martin was arguably the most popular politician in the Liberal party, and most certainly a major part of why the Federal Liberals have won the past three elections. Mr. Martin has been widely credited with this country’s economic turnaround, and as long as he was by Mr. Chretien’s side, Canadians were willing to put up with our Prime Minister’s shenanigans. Our confidence in Mr. Martin at the financial helm of our great country superceded our disgust with Mr. Chretien’s public antics. There was also a wide-spread belief that some day, Mr. Martin might be given the chance to lead the Federal Liberals, saving us the ebarassment of a fourth term with Mr. Chretien.

Now the Federal Liberal Party is in turmoil. Mr. Martin’s supporters are calling for Chretien’s head, and Mr. Chretien’s supporters are desperately looking for a way to remain on top. Mr. Chretien’s actions get more desperate every day, and it is becoming abundantly clear to all Canadians that he cares more about his political career and legacy than he does about this country.

Mr. Chretien has lost the confidence of half of his party and a growing majority of Canadians. His days are numbered. The end of Chretien’s reign will come either from within the party before the next election (ie: losing the coming leadership review) or it will end by mandate from the electorate in the next election if Chretien chooses to lead the party into it. The polls are showing a shift in the electorate that the Federal Liberals will never recover from if they don’t do something now. Canadians will not put up with Chretien’s blatant arrogance any longer. If Liberal MP’s are smart, they will get behind the right man in this fight.

If you want my vote in the next election, you will get behind the right man in this fight.


Dave Samojlenko

Ottawa Centre, Ontario

Some links relating to our Prime Minister’s ignorance:

(and to the current turmoil in our government)

Bank wanted quick decision on Martin: PM

How can anybody believe or trust a guy who talks like this? “I had for him to make a decision before six o’clock or eight o’clock … because anticipation of his possible resignation, the governor of the Bank (of Canada) had advised me through (a) person — I did not talk personally — that it was much better to have a resolution of this problem before the market opening in Tokyo at eight o’clock (Sunday night)” … “And on top of it, the governor was preoccupied that because (Tuesday) was the day where he had to fix the interest rate. So you know, the affair of the nation had to be carried out in the interest of the nation.” Not to mention that the Bank of Canada is supposed to keep itself divorced from political matters. Can’t wait to hear what they have to say about Mr. Chretien’s remarks.

Martin refused to be a Cabinet eunuch

At a luncheon with Chretien in the 80’s: “…there was one odd thing about his conversation. In 90 minutes or so, no one, no matter how hard they tried, could get him off the subject of Jean Chrétien. It was the only topic that interested him and he seemed to believe sincerely that it obsessed everyone else as much as it did him. At that moment, since he was so far removed from power, his enormous ego was no more than a psychological curiosity.

“When he left the room, the people at our table chuckled over his narcissism. Someone said that lunch was one thing, but being with him for much longer would be unendurable.

“Everyone seemed to agree. We of course had no idea that one day the monumental self-regard of Jean Chrétien would be a grave problem for the whole country.”

The plot to make Martin a nobody

PM threatens rebels with snap election

Chretien getting poor advice, Liberal MP says

The Prime Minister will be brought down

‘Part-time’ minister juggles jobs