June 2002

  • Beer Beer Beer Beer


    Went to the Capital City Beer Festival on Sunday. Heaven. What a glorious time we had… I can’t believe I’d never been. What a great idea. So many beers… Here’s the roundup, as much as I can remember: Not the worst beer I’ve tasted, but certainly deserving of the bottom spot on this list, Fin…

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  • Vivid Dreams


    So I’m quitting smoking… again. Every other time I’ve quit, I’ve gone cold turkey. Oh, except last time- I tried out Nicorette, the chewing gum… but it was gross – made my tongue go numb – so I couldn’t use it as much as you’re supposed to. This time I’ve decided to try Nicoderm, aka…

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  • On being scarce


    Sorry I haven’t been posting much of late – been on training and haven’t been in the office much. A little bit of a followup on my post, Thank you for your feedback. After I wrote that post, I decided to write back to Lori. I said basically the same thing, but with slightly nicer…

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    Renaissance Now? A good read from one of my favourite authors about the world’s next (current) renaissance.

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  • Thank you for your feedback.


    So I racked up a few parking tickets over the past few months… (suddenly, parking control started enforcing the parking regulations on my street, and I slept in a few days and got dinged for parking in excess of the time limit). Last week, I decided that I should pay them lest they go to…

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    Ten Commandments of Egoless Programming – this should be required reading for every coder. I can think of a few people who need to learn these lessons.

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  • This week…


    Seems this week is shaping up to be a pretty busy one – gonna be on training for four days, so I don’t know how much I’ll be able to get around to posting… will try, for sure – at least a link or two. My roommate and I rented A Nightmare on Elm Street…

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  • Back in the day…


    This story on Salon has brought back some fond memories from my early days of BBSing in the basement of my parents home. Somewhere in the early-to-mid-eighties, my cousin Chris and I had been messing around for a number of years on our VIC20’s and Commodore64’s, learning the ins-and-outs of computers the hard way: line-by-painstaking-line……

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