October 2001

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    Is it Linux? Is it Windows? Nope- it’s Lindows! From MP3.com’s Michael Robertson, comes the first operating system that will run either Windows or Linux applications. At under $100, Robertson believes he may have the key to wrestling control of the OS market away from the Empire: The flexibility of Linux, with the ease-of-use of…

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    Watch what you read Neil Godfrey found out the hard way just how easy it is to get banned from an airline these days. No, he wasn’t carrying a box cutter, or a flight manual written in arabic… it was a novel that got him the boot. Seriously.

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    Lesson learned: always check your sources! especially if your information comes from or is going to the internet. There are a lot of truly genuine-seeming hoaxes out there, and some incredibly talented hoaxsters always looking for a sucker. At least the gang at The Register has the cojones to admit when they’ve made a mistake…

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    Parody or Infringement? I didn’t need another reason not to go there… do you? I’m proud to say I’ve never bought a single cup of coffee from those rat bastards, and never will.

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