March 2001

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    Caution IE 5+ Users! A major security hole recently discovered in MS Internet Explorer 5 and 5.5 could leave your computer open to attack by malicious hackers. Once compromised, the attacker could, from a remote location, do anything on your computer that you can. Microsoft has developed a patch to fix the hole.

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    They’re watching you! (chya, right) Record Industry Quote of the Day: “Is the RIAA and its friends doing some kind of technology surveillance? Yes. Is it going to work? No. It’s really dumb. It’s another serious mistake by an industry going out of business in the stupidest way, bumping its head on the steps on…

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    Dream Teacher Doesn’t every 13-year-old male dream of a teacher like this? As much as I’m sure the kid appreciated the gesture, what the hell was this woman thinking in the first place?

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    This makes me sick – Members of a Butler County church had themselves a good old-fashioned book burning! Though it was pretty tame, and they were only burning personal possessions, this sort of thing still makes me ill. Okay, maybe some of the items were just begging to be burned : old Foreigner and Joe…

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    Horrible Accident A Texas man survived for more than three hours after he was cut in half by a slow-moving 18-wheeler. Originally the call to Emergency Crews was for a dead person, but when paramedics got to him, he was breathing and he raised his arms to them. They had his torso airlifted to hospital,…

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    And justice for all… A guy steps out of his shower in time to see a burglar running out of his appartment. So he grabs a shovel and chases said burglar into the basement. According to a police officer, “When the police got there, they find this guy laying on his back covered in blood…

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    Bad Pet Day – Jamie Kerr brought his 10-year-old yellow Labrador Retriever in to the vet for a routine shot, but due to some confusion at the office, the vet accidentally sent him to doggie heaven. To compound the tragedy, when Kerr arrived home he found his cat had been run over on the road…

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    Confessions of a Flash Addict This should be required reading for all web developers these days. Over use of Flash is the bane of the Internet’s existence. (via)

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    We, the undersigned – With over four million already infected with HIV, South Africa has the highest number of people living with HIV/AIDS in the world. Very few can afford the treatment that has extended and improved the lives of people in richer countries. Since 1998, the pharmaceutical industry has blocked the medicines legislation –…

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    Humiliation as punishment – 11-year old Kendrick Taylor learned a lesson he won’t forget anytime soon after he stole a couple of bucks from his mother’s purse. As punishment, Kendrick’s parents made him stand on the grass in front of his family’s home with a sign around his neck that read, “I am a thief,…

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