
I’m really curious to see how this plays out – in a last-ditch effort to smooth things over with the RIAA, Napster has offered a five year, $1 Billion deal if the recording industry agrees to ease off in its legal push to have the service shut down. I think we all know what I think they should do : the labels should take the money – this way, they’ve at least got a fighting chance to connect with the 50 million users of the service. A big question is how Napster plans to get the money – well, that’s their problem – if they can’t get it together, they’ll be forced to shut down… if they manage to turn enough of the 50 million freeloaders into paying customers, then everybody gets paid. win-win. But the RIAA isn’t really all that smart – they will likely turn down the deal and once again call for Napster’s head on a platter…