January 2001

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    My Little Phallus “Everybody wants their kids to learn about the birds and the bees – but how to explain those tender subjects? Well, now you can rest assured that your total lack of parenting skills won’t scar your children for life! My Little Phallus introduces a fun and easy way to not only induct…

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    From the “Defence Strategies That Won’t Fly” files: A truck driver arrested for possession of child pornography insists that he uses the photos to keep him awake during long hauls – apparently they make him so angry that he can’t fall asleep on the road. Hey buddy: Get some methamphetamines and keep your eyes on…

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    Surviving Survivor – Debb Eaton, the first castoff from Survivor II (yes, I’m hooked on the damn show!) must be feeling a world of regret for signing up in the first place… Not only was she the first off the island, now her personal life is all over the tabloids: Apparently, since her husband died…

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    Disposable Mobile Phones on the way! A U.S. inventor plans to have a $10 paper mobile phone on the market later this year, with a $20 paper laptop not far behind.

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    Nobody likes to work… this L.A. judge calls it a phobia and takes 400 sick days in 4 years all the while collecting a $122,000 salary. (apparently a portion of those 400 days was spent studying at the Ross University of Medicine in the Caribbean) follow up article here

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    Bonsai Kitten Lives On! You may remember this site from a while back. Apparently it’s caused a bit o’ controversy… Because of an international protest by cat lovers, the site has been removed from several Web hosts and has attracted the attention of some groups dedicated to the site’s demise. Some people have no sense…

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    Drink your way to $1million This dude won a contest at a local cafe where the prize was unlimited alcohol for a day. After he collected his prize, he says that he got so drunk that he fell and hit his head and is now suing the Cafe for over $1 million. Damn – I…

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    Mistake or God in the machine? Wired News has a bit of info about the google search results for dumb motherfucker that have been causing a bit of a stir. Apparently it’s all these guys’ fault.

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    Overkill… A man doing remodelling work on a home accidentally cut off his hand with a power saw. Unable to handle the pain of it all, he shot himself at least 12 times in the head with a nail gun to put himself out of his misery. No such luck though, he’s alive in hospital…

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