
Sorry there haven’t been any posts lately… Been pulling 12-13 hour days at work. Been crazy busy with a multimedia project. It’s strange – since I left school I haven’t touched this type of stuff – it’s all been web-based work – I’ve had to dust off whatever Director knowledge I had tucked away for safe-keeping in the far recesses of my brain. Good thing it’s still there – just gotta dig deep sometimes.

If you’ve known me for a couple of years, you know about my Halloween parties. This year is no exception – been pretty busy, but the party is still going ahead. This year it will be pretty rockin’ – it’s our Fifth Anniversary party. It’s really too bad Kat’s going to miss it, but she’ll be there in spirit. Come one, come all – and bring your friends – it’s going to be a helluva time! Here’s the details:

Dave & Kat’s Fifth Annual Halloween Party

Saturday, October 28, 2000

Royal Canadian Legion

330 Kent St.

8pm – 1am
All Tix: $5 (contact me)

Big Lights! Big Sound!

Plus the return of the

Haunted Hallway!