• TIFF 2011 – The Films We’re Seeing


    So after a year off, we’re heading back to the Toronto International Film Festival this year. Unfortunately we’ve used up all our vacation, so it’ll be a quick weekender, but it’ll be good to be back all the same. Since we have such a short amount of time there, and we had to wait until…

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  • TIFF09: Day 1 – On our way (almost)!


    In a couple of hours we’ll be boarding our flight, and then a short while later we’ll land in Toronto for the opening night of TIFF09!  We’re just in town for a weekend this year but we managed to get tickets for 13 films, the big day being Friday when we’ll be in and out…

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  • TIFF 08 – Tix on sale!


    Tickets have gone on sale today for this year’s Toronto International Film Festival.  I really really really wanted to get my passes secured today but my damn paycheque has been delayed (DAMMIT) and I need to wait until that’s cleared up before blowing any cash.  So I wait with much anticipation…

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