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    I hate going to the dentist … had an appointment yesterday – why does everything cost so damn much? With my former employer(s) I’ve always had dental coverage, but now that I’m out on my own, I’ve gotta pay for everything myself… I’ve got 2 root canal’s coming up – I imagine they’ll cost me a pretty penny. Unfortunately, it’s not something I can put off, either – they’ve gotta be done now before the teeth involved start causing pain. I looked into getting dental insurance, but even that’s much more expensive than I had expected. I was checking rates online, and I came across a site that I thought had pretty reasonable rates. It seemed to me like they were going to charge me $74/year. Peanuts! So I started filling out the online application, but when I got to the end where I’m supposed to pay, I realized that it was $74/month!!!!!!!!!!!! Ugh…. what am I gonna do… Dental expenses are deductible from your annual income, but only after you’ve deducted 3% of your annual income from them – I’m pretty sure that’ll end up leaving me with nothing to deduct… It’s not been a good week.

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    Napster For Sale? – As Napster and the RIAA await word from a federal appeals court on whether the music-swapping service can legally operate, a possible resolution is emerging that might end the standoff and leave all parties standing. This article explores the possibility of Napster being purchased by an ISP – at least two have been engaged in negotiations – and going to a subscription model.

    I’ve always thought a subscription model for Napster would be a good idea, but the model described in this article seems a little more restricted than I had in mind. In this scenario, only people who buy their internet access from the ISP would be able to access Napster – as a premium service.

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    Disturbing story about baby theft – Authorities are conducting DNA tests on a baby boy to confirm what they already suspect – that he was stolen from his slain mother’s womb by another woman, who passed the baby off as her own until she killed herself under police scrutiny. (via metafilter)

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    Phonebashing.com – Hold onto your cell phone! These guys’ll make quick work of it if they catch you…

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    Ads question Clinton’s sexuality – Wow – American politics can get downright dirty… Apparently television stations in New York are refusing to run ads questioning Hillary Clinton’s sexuality. The ads were prepared by the Virginia based Christian Action Network. The narration for the ad: “It is rumored that Hillary Clinton is a lesbian. It is rumored that Hillary Clinton supports homosexual marriage. It is rumored that Hillary Clinton will leave her husband upon taking office. It was rumored that Bill Clinton had an affair with Monica Lewinsky. Sometimes rumors are true.” Nice… These christian groups are just so full of love.

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    I know… my posts have been getting sparse lately. Been kinda busy. Here’s why: www.OttawaTheatre.com

    My really good friend Kathryn left for Australia yesterday. She’ll be gone for nine months. I’m gonna miss her.