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    Nobody likes to work… this L.A. judge calls it a phobia and takes 400 sick days in 4 years all the while collecting a $122,000 salary. (apparently a portion of those 400 days was spent studying at the Ross University of Medicine in the Caribbean) follow up article here

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    Bonsai Kitten Lives On! You may remember this site from a while back. Apparently it’s caused a bit o’ controversy… Because of an international protest by cat lovers, the site has been removed from several Web hosts and has attracted the attention of some groups dedicated to the site’s demise. Some people have no sense of humour… the site is obviously a work of satire and anyone who doesn’t get that deserves to be stuffed in a bottle. A couple of days ago this story came to the attention of rotten.com‘s publisher who agreed to host the site, at no charge. Cruel.com has some more information on their site including a list of hosting services that have deleted the site and its’ mirrors, as well as links to organizations that are protesting the site.

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    Drink your way to $1million This dude won a contest at a local cafe where the prize was unlimited alcohol for a day. After he collected his prize, he says that he got so drunk that he fell and hit his head and is now suing the Cafe for over $1 million. Damn – I can’t believe I never thought of this – with the number of times I’ve fallen down drunk… (via)

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    Overkill… A man doing remodelling work on a home accidentally cut off his hand with a power saw. Unable to handle the pain of it all, he shot himself at least 12 times in the head with a nail gun to put himself out of his misery. No such luck though, he’s alive in hospital now…

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    Google knows all… Check it out for yourself – go to google.com, search for dumb motherfucker and see whose site comes up first.

    NOTE: link no longer works – silly google fixed it – at the time of the post, if you did a search for ‘dumb motherfucker’ in google, the first page returned would be a George W. Bush site. Ok- infantile humour, yes – but funny nonetheless…

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    BlogVoices is gone… We barely even got a chance to use it… I know a lot of people really liked BlogVoices – it will be missed. So, no more comments for us – at least until Blogger Pro! In other Blog By Night news, if you look over to your left, you will see our Brand Spankin’ New® Search box – now you can search our archives for whatever your little heart desires. (powered by atomz.com)

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    Silly Patent – Apparently a company in Orrville, Ohio owns the patent for PB&J with the crusts cut off. And they’re enforcing it. U.S. Patent & Trademark Office Patent No. 6,004,596: “The sandwich includes a lower bread portion, an upper bread portion, an upper filling and a lower filling between the lower and upper bread portions, a center filling sealed between the upper and lower fillings…The upper and lower fillings are preferably comprised of peanut butter and the center filling is comprised of at least jelly. The center filling is prevented from radiating outwardly and into and through the bread portions from the surrounding peanut butter.”

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    Freaky Friday banned? This children’s book, published nearly 30 years ago, has been pulled from the library shelves of Hernando County’s schools based on a parent’s complaint about its content. I never read the book, but I used to love the movie. Apparently the parents’ complaint came in the form of two pages of objections mostly concerning references to drinking and smoking or characters who take God’s name in vain. Most worrisome was a passage where the girl in the story, in her mother’s body, describes her principal as he pulled out “the long nails and fangs” during a parent conference. “The hands were clasped together with index fingers tapping (this is the church, and this is the steeple, open the doors and kill all the people.)” According to the parent’s complaint, this sentence teaches children to kill. HUH? Some people have way too much bloddy time on their hands – it’s fucking Freaky Friday for christsakes!!! The American Library Association has a list of The 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books – Freaky Friday has never been anywhere near it!