A wonderful example of consumer vigilante-ism! (courtesy of metafilter)
A wonderful example of consumer vigilante-ism! (courtesy of metafilter)
Y’know, sometimes I think it’s probably a really good thing I don’t have a gun in my car…
Having a hard time finding what you’re looking for on the web? ask Jesus! Check out the JesusCam, and even have Jesus do a little redesign of your favourite site to spruce it up a little… (blog by night jesusified) Or if you’re a single female, you may want to hop over to www.jesus.com and check out his personal ad, where you could also win a shower with Jesus!
Hey, everybody – it’s Crazy Drunk Guy! Funny, funny, funny… This web designer has been getting calls from an unknown, crazy drunk guy at work… Through the miracle of the web, he is sharing these calls with the world. (from metafilter
The Real Truth about DJ Blaine. (thanks to Kottke)
How about a girlfriend remote?
Anybody who is in Toronto August 1 should get their butts down to the idance rally at Nathan Phillips Square.
Meet Blaine, Barbie’s newest boy toy… He comes with everything a DJ needs, including a console, records, headphones, record box, cell phone, sunglasses, party pass, and Generation Beat magazine. Too bad for Barbie, Blaine’s usually hopped up on coke…
Pagan Panties heh heh…