Need weed? If you live in Amsterdam, you may soon be able to order it online and have it delivered by bike courier. iToke, will allow users to log in, place their order and have it delivered right to their door. The owners of the company will have to find a way around the country’s laws that prohibit marijuana sales outside of cafes, though. They don’t seem to be too worried – apparently all kinds of people have offered support, “People have offered to quit their jobs to work for us. Lawyers have offered free services. MBAs have lined up. Stalward e-commerce outlets have offered partnerships.” – On why: “We had a coffee moment one day where we realized that our contemporaries are basically the biggest wealth-generating generation of all time and they’re all tokers. These are not the slackers that everybody thought they were – and they’re all forced to toke in their basement.” (thanks /usr/bin/girl)