recently on


  • Dinner at Mario Batali’s restaurant tonight! #
  • Breakfast at Bouchon again, gettin drunk by the pool again! #
  • Saw Ka last night. It was amazing. But I still have no idea what the hell it was about. #
  • When in Vegas, eat at Rosemary’s if you can – amazing! #
  • And now a pedicure! #
  • Enjoying a birthday breakfast at Thomas Keller’s Bouchon restaurant! #
  • Mojitos by the pool – oh yes #
  • Hit the drive-thru at In-n-out burger in a cab! #
  • But Paul Blart Mall Cop as the inflight movie? Just cruel and inhumane… #
  • Putting me in the back row where the seats don’t recline was a dick move #
  • Seating Danielle and I on oposite ends of the plane was a nice start. #
  • Landed in Vegas, fuck you very much United Airlines #
  • Stopping over in Chicago… So tired – slept about 1hr last night – I never sleep before a trip… #
  • Heading home… #