TIFF 08 – Day 2 – Black Comedies Abound


Just a quick rundown – guests arrived late last night and so not much time for writing over the next few days…

First flick was an Irish black comedy, A Film With Me In It – funny as hell – wickedly funny script, great performances by the actors, and a truly dark and absurd plot.  Really enjoyed the movie, too bad about the audience… well, too bad about the woman sitting next to us anyway – one of the types that needs to laugh a little too loud, and react a little too much, and just comes off as fake and irritating. Didn’t ruin the experience, but came close a couple times…

Later on we saw the new Richard Linklater film, Me and Orson Welles. I’d really been looking forward to this one, and it was great – I was a touch tired though and a few parts of the film dragged a bit. But Linklater is a master film maker and as always he pulls some incredible performances from his actors, in particular Christian McKay who played Orson Welles.  I took a bunch of vid of the Q&A after, I’ll try to get that uploaded soon.

A very rushed cab ride later and we checked out the Gala screening of Burn After Reading. We’d never done the big hollywood Gala, and I’m glad that we did, but don’t think we’ll do it again.  We knew we’d be seated up in the balcony, but when we finally got up there after waiting out the massive “Priority Seating” line, we were rushing from section to section as volunteers told us “this section is full!”
and finally got seated as the introduction to the film was just finishing in a section normally reserved as “obstructed view” seating.  The film was fantastic though – the Coen brothers were in their element, doing what they do best.

On to day three – we have invites to a party for Every Little Step tonight – we weren’t able to fit the film into our schedule, but who doesn’t love a party?


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