February 2007

  • back…


    It’s been a hectic couple of weeks – we put up Michel Tremblay’s Forever Yours Marie-Lou this past weekend. Production week was hectic. The whole process has been very fun and really a great re-introduction to theatre for me. The other principals in the company have embraced me with open arms and I expect we’ll…

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  • From The Pirate Bay: OscarTorrents


    The folks behind torrent site The Pirate Bay have launched a new site, OscarTorrents for all your Oscar Film needs. To those worried about downloading in case they get sued: by our calculations, your chances of getting nailed are way less than your chances of winning the lottery. Don’t think twice about it. To all…

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  • wow, that’s worse…


    Now Wal-Mart’s partying like it’s 1997 with this lovely “Unsupported Browser” message. This is so embarrassing for them… couldn’t afford a good web development company? Come on… Update: they’re even using a spacer.gif to display the error message – talk about living in the past…

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  • Thoughts on Thoughts on Music


    The whole of the Internets are atwitter with chatter and analysis about Steve Jobs’s “Thoughts on Music” essay published yesterday on the Apple website. “Is it a challenge to the major record labels? An answer to the increasingly hostile European governments (Norway, France, Germany) that are pressuring Apple to “open up” the iTunes Store? A…

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  • PowerToys for Windows XP


    Cool… just found these Microsoft PowerToys for Windows XP – a bunch of small upgrades for different parts of the windows interface – I just installed the Alt-Tab replacement – an upgrade to the regular Alt-Tab function that adds a preview of the application you’re switching to. Also interesting looking: Tweak UI, Virtual Desktop Manager…

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  • Wow, that’s bad…


    Wal-Mart launched their new video download service today, and boy does it suck. Here’s what it looks like in Firefox: Oh yeah also, they want you to pay $15 for a 320×240 video that won’t play on iPod, Zune, Mac, or Linux. Boooooooo.

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  • Lauchy, where have you been all my life?


    Launchy: The Open Source Keystroke Launcher for Windows – I was just doing some looking around for an application launcher for windows – because, let’s face it, the Start Menu sucks, and the Quick Launch bar just doesn’t cut it either… and so I came across Launchy, a free windows utility that indexes your applications…

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