December 2006

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    links for 2006-12-27 Learn Spanish with Coffee Break Spanish (tags: spanish podcast language)

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    links for 2006-12-13 A CSS-based Form Template (tags: css form)

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    links for 2006-12-12 Busted Tees (tags: tshirts t-shirts) Threadless T-Shirts (tags: t-shirts tshirts) Clickatell Bulk SMS Gateway (tags: sms)

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  • OS X Leopard will create no new jobs


    OS X Leopard will create no new jobs: “This research (which was not commissioned by Apple) stands in sharp contrast to the findings of an industry report (commissioned by Microsoft) that Vista’s release will create 100,000 new jobs in tech support and help desk positions.”

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    links for 2006-12-08 Multi-lingual site with Model-Glue and Coldspring (tags: coldfusion multilingual) Test resourceBundle CFC (tags: coldfusion multilingual)

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    links for 2006-12-05 Azureus Zudeo (tags: azureus bittorrent) Daring Fireball: Conjectural Transcript of the Upcoming Negotiations Between Apple and Universal Music Conjectural Transcript of the Upcoming Negotiations Between Apple and Universal Music (tags: zune)

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    links for 2006-12-04 (tags: comics) Ubuntu Linux Is an Ideal Windows Replacement (tags: linux ubuntu)

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    links for 2006-12-01 A New Vision for ColdFusion (tags: coldfusion) ColdFusion is NOT a DBMS! (tags: coldfusion)

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