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Month: July 2004

Poutine: the dish of Gods

Maciej has a great description of his first experience with Poutine on Canada Day.

For those who don’t know, poutine is a combination of cheese curds, brown gravy, and french fries, invented forty years ago. The hot gravy melts the cheese curds, which consolidate with the fries to form a gooey mass that it is very difficult to photograph in a remotely appetizing way. Even in real life, poutine looks like a food that has already made several false starts through the digestive system. Whether for this reason, or because of its powerful ability to absorb and retain alcohol, it is frequently eaten after a heavy night’s drinking.

I was eating it sober, and under the watchful eye of a native (NEVER swim or eat poutine alone), so it was a great relief to find out that the stuff was delicious. The cheese curds did indeed melt and pull the dish together into one gooey mass, although the French fries stayed crispy enough to be individually discernible in the collective, giving the dish a pleasing light crunch. The brown gravy was turpid and dark, with a sturdy tannin structure supporting notes of oak, wood smoke, spice, aniseed and musk. There was the faintest hint of chocolate and raspberry in the finish, though that may have reflected a previous use of the serving dish. In the nose, the poutine was beefy and slightly insolent – I detected an almost wanton playfulness, the evanescent flavors frolicking together like young beavers in a Gaspé pond at dusk – but in the mouth it opened to reveal a velvety (or perhaps Velveeta-like) smoothness that tenaciously clung to every membrane in my mouth, esophagus, and stomach for the next three hours. Small wonder that food is renowned for its ability to enhance heavy drinking. The aftertaste was rich, dense, and interminable, returning to say hello at various times in the afternoon from its rock-hard, baseball-sized headquarters in my stomach.

Mozilla use going up, up up

At the risk of turning this into a two-topic blog (Mozilla/Firefox and Politics seem to be all I’m writing about these days), Mozilla has been enjoying a bit of a surge in popularity since the announcement last week warning users away from Microsoft’s IE browser.

In the wake of increasing frustration with IE’s shortcomings and security vulnerabilities, downloads of Mozilla and Firefox have been steadily increasing with a user base roughly doubling every few months.

That’s great news. People are starting to figure out and really get what us web geeks have known and have been preaching for some time. Here’s some more links:

Joel on Software weights in: Three reasons to switch web browsers today.

Business Week: Internet Explorer is just too risky.

eWeek: Internet Explorer is too dangerous to keep using

More Preaching

So it’s been over a week since the announcement of the latest MS/IE vulnerability that has left internet users’ banking passwords dangling in front of malicious hackers. Has Microsoft patched the bug yet? Well, kinda… they’ve released a patch but instead of fixing the flaw, the patch simply changes some sytem settings to ‘band-aid’ the situation. And it’s not even a very good band-aid: users are still vulnerable.

Say it with me one more time: Get Firefox right away. Download it, install it, and make it your default browser. What are you waiting for? It’s only the best browser on the planet.