October 2002

  • dave is…


    Here’s what google thinks of me. Find out what google thinks of you, your friends, or anything at Googlism.com dave is back dave is a mac dave is hott dave is a million dave is sure to attack dave is playing now dave is listening dave is offended by an inadvertent “t” dave is sick…

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  • Iron in his thighs?


    Thanks to Heather, I enjoyed a little stumble down memory lane today. I love the internet. Oh, and in case you’re wondering, here are the lyrics to the show’s theme song: Hercules, hero of song and story Hercules, winner of ancient glory fighting for the right fighting with his might with the strength of ten…

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    Rubik’s Cube – Just like you remember it. Almost. Except with guys in space suits.

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  • On being scarce… again.


    My apologies for being scarce around here again… I’ve been working on a new site: ARIO – Adventure Racing in Ontario – we just launched it at an ARIO fundraiser last night. I’m particularly proud of this website – it’s my first effort with PHP, and I’m really happy with how the design turned out…

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    Dave is a bar of soap that self-replicates and counts your loose change

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  • Think Posativ


    What’s up with the new look already??? Well, as you may remember I recently lost the domain blogbynight.com. I thought about trying to get it back, and in fact have found out that it wouldn’t really be all that difficult… but have decided against it. I’ve decided to start using another domain that I’ve owned…

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  • Search Results


    It seems I’ve been getting quite a number of people refered to my site via searches for the Nimbus 2000. A quick followup reveals that Amazon has completely removed the entry from their database. I guess they couldn’t keep up with demand. I’ve also had a few people arriving at my site looking for camel…

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