June 2001

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    Drug War Judges: “I thought this was a good job before I got it. I didn’t come here to put away poor people for low-level, nonviolent drug crimes, but that’s what the job amounts to. All you can do is bitch about it.” “They make you do ungodly things in the drug war if you’re…

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    It’s about damn time! Webster’s defines watermelons as oblong or roundish. Farmers in Japan disagree.

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    Wanna scare the bejeezus out of your roommate? Just leave copies of this article lying around… Oh yeah, and Mike, I’ve been meaning to talk to you…

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    How to end spam email forever. Courtesy of mg over at bad samaritan. Check them out when you have time – fun, intelligent, frequently updated.

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    Skip Swordfish – “Note to Hollywood: Code for worms is not typically created using AutoCAD, and even expert programmers cannot visualize 512-bit encryption keys and factor them just by thinking really, really hard.” Baahahahahahahahaha!

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    Oh god, that was fun! Vegas was incredible. I have lots of pictures – promise, I’ll post some soon. What a party is all I have to say for now, though… what a party… What-what-what!?!? Please, say it ain’t so! I feel sick… Netscape is finally calling it quits! This was my favourite bit of…

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