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Month: February 2001

Orgasmatron! Now this is an invention to get excited about! (no pun intended… ok, it sorta was) If it works, this doctor could get bragging rights over Hugh Hefner

Tastes like chicken? A couple of Seaquarium workers were disciplined for eating the meat of an endangered sea turtle after it died from its injuries. I don’t get what the big fuss is – I mean, sure – don’t eat endangered animals – but this one wasn’t endangered anymore – it was already dead!!

Sex, sports, beer, gadgets, clothes, and fitness – Maxim Magazine’s winning formula has taken it from 175,000 readers in 1997 to 2.6 million readers today. It’s ad rate is higher than either GQ’s or Esquire’s, and an independent study found Maxim’s readers are older, more likely to be college-educated, and more affluent than GQ’s. “If GQ wants to cover ‘The Golden Age of Design’ and $1500 ties, that’s their business. We’re more interested in showing you how to cheat on your taxes, be better in bed, and build a working flame-thrower out of a cigarette lighter and a can of Binaca.” Now that’s information I could use!

Fucked – A Barrie real estate company has to pay $300,000 in damages to an employee who drove home drunk after an office party. Fucking ridiculous – Y’know, I get that someone serving drinks to someone has a responsibility to make sure that that person doesn’t drive home. We all should do our part to stop drinking and driving. But to award the woman $300,000 in damages? Isn’t that basically a reward for driving drunk? I don’t care what happened to her – she drove drunk – she got what she deserved – she’s just lucky she didn’t kill someone else. And yes, the company is partially responsible because they let her. But to give her money??? Fucking looney.