Wanna buy a Fat-arsed Wombat?
Wanna buy a Fat-arsed Wombat?
I want a Free Car
Got Paruresis? Get on over to the International Paruresis Association – you are not alone…
If you aren’t protesting anything… why not protest nothing? (thanks metafilter)
Behind the Curtain: a day in the life of webloggers – Here’s the description of this event from the website: “‘BEHIND THE CURTAIN: a day in the life of webloggers’ is purely an attempt to help break down our preconceptions. in our online writings, we ‘assume’ we know each other. humans, being extremely visual animals,…
Hello neighbour… – A great article over on Ironminds about Mr. Rogers, one of the greatest childhood companions any kid could ask for…
Low scores for NBC – It seems NBC’s taped coverage of the Sydney games is a bit of a tough sell. So far NBC has averaged a 14.3 Nielsen rating for its prime-time coverage, a lower rating than any other Olympics on record. Apparently everybody’s just flocking to the internet for the information they want,…
Geek out at the IT Olympics – Sydney, Australia may be getting all the attention these days, but all the real fun’s being had in Sydney, South Dakota at the Information Technology Olympics! With events like the Software Buyathlon, where teams battle to purchase the right software at the right price, and Code Wrestling, where…
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Hey everybody! It’s the Sheep Game!