August 2000

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    I don’t know… I’m sure there’s something wrong with letting your kids play with Death Row Marv. Though he looks pretty cool.

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    R2D2 Returns! Seems there’s been some mis-information circulating about the return of Kenny Baker, the man inside R2D2 in the first four Star Wars films. According to the official Star Wars website, he will return alongside Anthony Daniels (C-3PO) as the only actors to appear in the entire trilogy and both prequel films.

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    Copyright your DNA! This website provides information on protecting your genetic code from unauthorized use. (spotted on metafilter)

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    Another slow day… I’ve got nothing to say. Not super busy, but going to be soon and dreading it… oh well. I want one of these.

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    Politically incorrect – Salon has a great interview with Bill Maher.

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    More on DeCSS – This site was created to explore some of the issues surrounding the recent decision by U.S. District Judge Kaplan prohibiting defendants from distributing code for reading encrypted DVDs. Some pretty interesting questions are raised. Like, is it illegal for me to link to this dramatic reading of the file css_descramble.c? Or…

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    R2D2 got dumped… Kenny Baker, the actor who has played R2D2 in the previous Star Wars episodes, is set to be replaced by a computer generated version in the next SW movie. (

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    Napster doesn’t kill… According to this article, shipments of full-length CD’s in the US have reached an all-time high in the first half of 2000. So when does the RIAA expect to incur “irreparable” damages?

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    English ‘may not be language of internet’ According to this article, Mandarin is the most commonly spoken language on the internet at 835 million, followed by English at 470 million, Spanish at 330 million and Hindi at 300 million. “It is true that English has been the predominant language of the internet so far, and…

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